If you live in the US, you've probably heard quite a bit about the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement recently. There have been protests in cities and towns across the US, and social media is flooded with posts about BLM, police brutality, and the murder of George Floyd. In response to these events, and in support of the people who are fighting against injustice, Minecraft Mania is hosting a rally tonight at 9 pm EST. There is a small park set up at -942 / 72 / 438. You can get there by following the road outside of spawn. For the rally tonight, we'll meet at spawn and walk there together. A chest with signs is placed by the park entrance. Please take one and use it to place your own protest sign in the park. We will leave it there as a memorial after the event. You can place your sign now, or wait for the event. Either is fine.

I feel like this post would not be complete without some background information about the events going on and some pointers on how you can be anti-racist. This is not meant to be a political post, but human rights are not political. Demanding equal rights and fair treatment for people of color (POC) is a human issue, not a political issue.
What is Black Lives Matter?
The BLM website explains the movement and the reasons behind it. Here's their summary:
#BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer. Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives.
But wait... Don't All Lives Matter?
All Lives Matter is often brought up on social media when people mention BLM in social media. When people say black lives matter, they aren't saying other lives don't matter. They are saying that black lives do! If your leg was broken, you wouldn't want someone to stand there and say "All legs matter." You would want them to help you. If your house was on fire, you wouldn't want someone to take the water from the fire hydrant to wet down their house instead because, you know, all houses matter. Everyone knows that all lives matter, but the lives of POC are in danger. Saying Black Lives Matter calls attention to that. Countering Black Lives Matter by saying All Lives Matter just takes attention away from the voices of POC. It's also subtly racist.
But I'm not racist!
If you were raised in America, especially if you are a white person, you have learned prejudices. It's a part of the culture of the USA, whether we like it or not. This country was built on slave labor. The Civil Rights Movement took place in the 1950's and 60's. That's only 60-70 years ago. The Voting Rights Act, which removed legal barriers that were used to prevent African Americans from exercising the right to vote, was signed into law on August 6th, 1965. That's only 55 years ago. Considering that these events were so recent, is it a surprise that racism is so ingrained in our culture?
I know you're a good person, and you wouldn't do or say something racist on purpose. But if you have grown up as a white person in America, you have probably learned some ideas and behaviors related to covert racism. Covert racism "expresses racist ideas, attitudes or beliefs in subtle, hidden or secret forms." Have you ever avoided someone because of the color of their skin? Have you ever assumed something about someone because of their race? Bought into stereotypes? Laughed along with racist jokes? Said something like "I don't see color" or "racism doesn't exist anymore?" These are all examples of covert racism. It's our responsibility to examine ourselves to unlearn behaviors like these. Nobody can do that for you. You have to do that work yourself.

Okay.... How can I help?
Fighting racism is a responsibility we all share. It's not enough anymore to just be "not racist." We need to be anti-racist. That means you need to speak out against racism. There are many ways to do this, so find a way that works for you and join in the fight.
One way is to educate yourself. There are so many resources available to all of us. Google has tons of information, and it's free! There are also plenty of books you can read. Don't expect POC to inform you about racism. Go seek out information on your own.
Speak out! Maybe this means sharing anti-racist posts on social media, or writing your own. This can also be standing up to the next openly or covertly racist remark you hear when talking to someone in real life. When you witness racism, don't be silent. Call it out.
Elevate the voices of POC. Don't talk over them. This is about them, not about looking cool or feeling good.
Donate to an organization that is helping, if you are able.
Attend a local protest, if you are able. Be careful and stay safe. It's always a good idea to bring a friend with you.
Lastly, please do your own soul searching to recognize any internalized racism you may have. None of us are perfect, and we all have prejudice. It's on us to do better.
I hope I'll see you at the rally tonight. Thanks for reading!