Name: Tats
Server Role: Owner & Founder,
Residency: Cape Town
Age: 21
Blog Contribution: Editor & Writer
What I love about the server: This server provides such an outlet for people of all ages. There is always something new to add in which all members contribute to bring the community closer together.

Name: Ravy
Server Role: Co-owner,
Residency: Mayor of Mycelia
Age: 26
Blog Contribution: Writer
What I love about the server: I love the sense of community in our server. In a lot of servers I've been in, it's easy to get lost in the crowd. Our server isn't like that. It's been especially nice having this community to belong to during the pandemic!
Name: xSt3v0
Server Role: Donator
Residency: Member of Mycelia
Age: 29
Blog Contribution: Writer
What I love about the server:
What i love about the server - It's a tight knit community of supportive players who all work towards one common goal - to have fun.

Name: Hyper
Server Role: Member
Residency: Member of Mycelia
Age: 14
Blog Contribution: Writer
What I love about the server: I love the sense of community in our server. In a lot of servers I've been in, it's easy to get lost in the crowd. Our server isn't like that. It's been especially nice having this community to belong to during the pandemic!

Name: Silent
Server Role: Member & Bank Robber
Residency: Loner
Age: 20
Blog Contribution: Comic Creator
What I love about the server: The server is lucid and maintained by the members of the server. Everyone is close nit and appreciates one another's talents. There is no competitive atmosphere normally found in other servers. Staff are lenient and hardworking people willing to share their income for the entertainment and community it brings. Project and Events are part of relieving stress and disconnecting from hardships with no main focus on economics but experience and evolution of gameplay.